
September 2, 2022
PRecious ID Independence Day Picture

Cara Brand Memanfaatkan Momentum Kebangkitan dan Ketangguhan Indonesia pada 77 Tahun Kemerdekaan sebagai Bentuk Kontinuitas Komunikasi

Pandemi telah merubah berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk komunikasi brand dengan publik dengan segala peraturan pembatasan sosial. Strategi komunikasi harus dipersiapkan dengan matang demi reputasi perusahaan. Jadi, […]
May 10, 2022

Putting Sensitivity, Tact and Authenticity at the Heart of Sustainability Initiatives

In recent years, media has been replete with ubiquitous displays of sustainability initiatives, from ads highlighting brands’ eco-friendly ingredients to beach cleanup days and newsjacking campaigns […]
January 28, 2022
The Comms Climate Around Climate Change

Views from the Top: The Comms Climate Around Climate Change

ESG and sustainability have become dominant topics in public debates. Environmental activists have put climate change in the spotlight. Politicians and the general public have picked […]
August 30, 2021

In Retrospect: Tokyo 2020

And just like that, we’ve concluded yet another Olympic season: The Olympic torch is finally doused; and Tokyo has passed the baton to Paris. It will […]
August 26, 2021

A Force for Good: Impact Investing and the Power of Communications in Asia

The onslaught of Covid-19 has caused significant distress and disruption globally, with nations going into lockdowns and businesses and healthcare systems upended by the pandemic. But […]
May 6, 2021

Views From the Top: Sustainability Trends Across Industries and Their Impact

Climate activists such as Greta Thunberg have set the stage for conversations around climate change and the call to climate action. However, realising the green vision […]